Saturday, September 17, 2005

This morning woke up at 445 to bathe as need to be at Paya lebar MRT by 615.. Early right... I got almost everything ready except for my driver. Took me 5 minutes to took him up... cos steven want didi to drive me but didi angry with him cos he dun lens him car...
Suppose to meet Connie at 535 but was late. only pick her up at 545.. hee hee cos brother need his smoking break before we start off..
We reach Paya lebar MRT by 6am.. only michael and audrey is there...
joke around for a while around 610 more and more pple arrived.. After sheryl had taken our attendance .. we board the bus... very boring... we wait for pple in the bus til 635 then we set off.
the journey there as i am sitting next to Michael Wan.. We are catching up with each other on what we are doing now,,,
took some photos on the bus...
Reach tuas cheakpoint around 7am.. cleared custom and we are on our way by 715, the way to the Sofitel took the bus ride 45minutes,...
we arrived at the main lobby where we will be staying for the night.. but it is not the place we are going this morning,,.we have to take a ride on the mini bus to go to the Clubhouse. else by walking it will take us around 8 minutes walk,...
Our consultant for this training is Zark and Dolly.. the main person is Zark..
Zark gave each of us a paper which to ask one another on the things we think of each other. there are a total of 12 question...but we only have to complete 6 question
We have to run around to ask question. it is very fun,.
dun know if i am consider lucky or not the 3 winners all my name is inside as i gave them some answer...
i wrote faviourite food - laska
Faviourite pasttime - reading
Faviourite movie - Harry potter.
we are then divided into 5 group. I was group together with shinya,Xiao Han and Weiling.
Before the game is able to commends Michael.C walk in and he joins the group 4.
Te first game we play is Looking back..
it is to test us on he things we learn last year....
very funny.. cos everyone dun want to do tea duty...
in the end PK group (Noriko,kit,Wong,PK), Michael C group (Wei Yu, Crystal,Daniell, Neillie & Michael) and my group (shinya,Xiao Han, Weiling and me)
We break for th first tea break.. when we come back there are a lot of comment on how to improve the service better almost want to faint cos i can't think what thy will think of for tml.
Zark inform us that we will be playing a game call Ping Pong Challenge..
Our group is the sale and marketing group..
the group are separated and that was how the starts.we were very blur when the activity start. We were told by Zark to decorate the room so we just dedorate and ignore the customer..
which is michael C. i only told hma glass of water and go back to my things...
When he said he want 100 electrons we told hm we dont have it... we got Shinya to entertain him..
When the time is up.. we found that we did the wrong thing... we keep blaming pple. shame pple for our failure , we didnt justify where did we went wrong...
we are given the second chance...
The team leader were told to gather to discuss the plan... for my group it is me....
We told each other as soon as see the customerjust escort him into the room don't let him go any where.. find out his orders and quickly inform the other groups...
we have a very good work out as we keep going back and fro trying to pass message and to inform the other group how much more eletron is needed....very funny...
In the end we make it and finish everything on time...
We learn the importanceof taking personal responsibility when things go wrong instead of blaming others..
We break for lunch...
I only ate some saland and some fruits and i just go walk around .. as there is nothing much to see i went back to the room to read books...
T be Continued.....
1:03 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Today is quite a boring day.. nothing much to do in the morning.. But this afternoon we have a visitor. She is Ruth. OUr counterpart in Philips Australia.
I wonder how does she look like.
According to Fook Kee she is quite Mature,,,
I was on the phone when she walk in. She was introduce to other member of the team first as i was busy..
When we met i went into the treatment room with her.. She told us about her trip to England and Scotland..
She show is beautiful scenary of the photos she had taken of scotland... so breath - taking...
The guys (Peter,Adam , Shane and Steven)are so sweet , they got Ruth to buy me a small gift which has my name on it. She said sharon mean shy...
Ruth gave me a toy poodle which is pink in color.. It can walk , bark and wag its tail very cute....
After work i got Huisan to rush down to junction * with me to get some mooncake for Ruth...
and i have to rush back to Toa Payod as i am meeting them at Crystal jade...
I got to try for the first time how does chicken feet taste like...
Yuck... I don;t like it...
I only eat 1 pc and 1 don't want to eat already...
A total of 7 to 8 course for only 3 of us very filling...
we ate and chat until 9:30pm...
As there are issue with a NFO activation from Australia i have been on off the phone..
Huisan call me and chat for a while... she said she will call me back butt... heehe i fall asleep liao didn't hear her call...
10:58 PM
guardian angel lyrics...
Guardian Angel降临
Guardian Angel 降临
7:42 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005

Woke up at 830 rush with didi to see doc got on the waiting list number 26 and 27 when we reach there at 9am.
sian waited for for almost 3 hours to see then doc faint...
Hungry but went home to eat lunch...
Carry on to watch my last 3 vcd of my stairway to heaven... then go sleep for a while.
Got call from Siewping ask if want o go club. I said on...
But can't decide to go Club MoMO or DBLO.
End up we went to Club MOMO...
Very nice place...Went in at 10.15
Ester also join us...
Make a couple of new friends from Ester .. They all very sexy... So envy them...
Me fat fat...
They keep Passing u to drink to drink...
Hehehe I drank and drank .. dun even know what i drank...
At around 12.00 find that haveto go toilet...
Diedie Once went in almost faint cos very dizzy...
Drank too much and too fast...
I hug the toliet bowl o throw out .. die die can't stop...
Told SiewPing and Ester i dun antto wait liao wat to go out...
Thanks to the clever SiewPing she go us a driver Daniel..Really dunno wher o put my face... Keep throwing out and talking funny..
Serveral time just got black out
as siew ping ad ester needto go toilet Daniel hold me.. Felt so warm leaning against him want to sleep... (Like a pig right..)
HE thought to bring me o te car first who know the door the basement lock so funny...
I stop throwing out for a while...but again start due to the movin of the car...
Lucky for me got plastic bag in the car.
so we stop at Kalland Mac for me to throw out and for them to eat....
Went into the toilet twice..
Then while they eat i lean on Siew Ping and close my eyes can't open them.
Very tried..Seeing me like this they decide to send me home...
Daniel help to open the car for me first.. One i sit down my face hit the cusion i black out until i reach home..
Dun even remember the trip home...
until they tell me reach home liao...
At first they want to see me to my flat said its ok... then i went up liao..around 330am
While i bathe i still throw out...
With my hair still wet i drop dead on my bed...
woke up at 7 am and try to throw out again... until i felt that my throat burn....
then finally fall asleep at 9am but too bad woke up at 11am...
SMS Siew Ping to say thank you for taking care of me hope me not to troublesome..
Reply it ok.
SMS Daniel to say thank you for the ride and hope i didn't dirty his car,.
Reply back... Not to worry didn't disturb his car, take care..
Didn't get to go back to sleep cos Mum want to go out...
Went to Si ma Lu to pray and went to OG to see Daddy clothes.. no size so went to People Park OG...
Got him 2 clothes and Mummy bought for herslef 2 clothes too..
hehee so Happy Mummy back me a bag.. but very Expensive cost 109 after the discount actual Price $ 149.
Shop until almost 2 pm went home.. along the way call Siew Ping to chat...
Told me that Daniel keep laughing to himself last night while looking at me ... thot very funny that why he laugh ..but so happy Siew Ping help me beat him...
Yeah forgot 1 thing he cut his hair very cute...
hehee.. told Siew Ping i want revenge but she told me he dun drink Sian......
Reach i immediately slept like a pig until think 4pm woke up to watch some show and start on my blog...
But to bad can't continue liao have to go out to celebrate daddy Bday...
to be Continue later .....
5:19 PM
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Early in the morning keep telling myself wantto see do for face...
Got address from Peiyee. Check with DIDI if he want to go too..
But he said got tennis so can't...
Got a call from him at 6pm told me he can meet me...
So Bad.. i received 2 NFO from Australia. 1 is at 5pm and the other is at 6pm...
Then can't leave yet as there is an urgent shipment from Best to NZ...
Have o ensre it arrive in NZ by Monday...
At First usng DHL...Thot Faster... But Tomaoya or PM said DHL can't do it... ask me to source other forwarder...die die...
Got Arthur to help.. he said he will take care of it... So happy...
Didn't want to sleep early cos want to watch my stairway to heaven Got the VCD from Jillyn the first 13 Happy Watch the drama until 4.30am then go sleepp/// Have to wake up early to go see doc... Cos to late just now
4:31 AM
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Almost want to call in to say i going on MC... Cos last night almst went to MamBo.
Learnt from Denver that Huisan 's Grandma pass away... she will go on leave for Friday and monday... Faint...
So she pass me the off hour phone...not sure if i lucky or bad luck...that night received a activation from Shane for a NFO.... While i was watching Superstar...
for me when the winner is announce it is not surpise that WeiLian won...He got lots of supoorter.
11:06 PM